1,000 Books

Welcome to 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten!

Studies have shown that children who are read to improve their vocabulary, listening and language skills, and have increased attention spans. These are all essential tools when learning how to read. If you read three books a day to your child, in just one year you'll have read 1,095 books!

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Sign Up Today

Visit your local library to pick up a reading log.

You can also print your reading log from this website or track your child's progress online.

Log #1

(0-250 books)

Log #2

(251-500 books)

Log #3

(501-750 books)

Log #4

(751-1,000 books)

EnglishEspañol EnglishEspañol EnglishEspañol EnglishEspañol

How It Works

Each time you read a book with your child, log it online or mark off the paw print on your paper log. Once you finish the first log, stop by the library to pick up your child's prize and the log for the next 250 books.

Milestone Prize
250 books Drawstring backpack
500 books Book
750 books Activity book
1,000 books Certificate and stickers

Any and All Books Count!

Any books read to a child in any language count towards the 1,000 books goal. Books read at library storytimes also count.

Want a few recommendations to get started? Check out our staff lists and storytimes you can watch from home:

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