Learning games, puzzles and other fun activities for kids age 2-8.
Learning games, puzzles and other fun activities for kids age 2-8.
Contains a wide range of historical primary sources for scholars and students from the Middle Ages to recent times. Topics range from Witchcraft to World War II to 20th-century political history.
Este sitio ofrece accesso gratuito a información legal y recomienda sitios de asesoramiento y ayuda legal.
Provee acceso en línea a la Enciclopedia Británica en español, con miles de artículos, imágenes, videos, y fuentes primarias, diseñado para estudiantes de escuela primaria y secundaria.
Online access to Encyclopedia Britannica, offering thousands of articles, images, videos, and primary sources for elementary, middle, and high school students.
Searchable, online version of laws of the state of California, including Penal and Vehicle Code.
Explore California history through more than 925,000 primary source documents, including photographs, diaries, oral histories, and more.
Concise cultural information on countries around the world. (Grades 3-12)
Offers millions of materials from libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions across the country
Search magazines, newspapers, and digital media content for your general information needs. (Grades 6+)
Search for your family history in this compilation of records relating to slavery and enslaved individuals, including baptismal records, runaway ads, ship manifests, emancipation documents, and more. The collection is rapidly expanding and connecting records from different sources to deepen the public’s understanding of the transatlantic slave trade and restore once-anonymous individuals’ identities.
A collection of resources and guides to conducting genealogical research for African American ancestors.
Free legal information including articles, news, case law, statutes and forms.
Access full color, interactive digital magazines including People, Time, Sports Illustrated, Cosmopolitan, and more.
Homework help resources that give students quick access to credible sources covering common topics for elementary school aged students.
Homework help resources that give students quick access to credible sources covering common topics for high school aged students.
Homework help resources that give students quick access to credible sources covering common topics for middle school aged students.
More than 4,000 continuously updated, on-demand video courses across 75 categories in business, technology, design, and more. Users will need a free Google or Microsoft account to log in.
Allows users to search for and track legislation being debated in the U.S. Congress.
Research all aspects of human impact to the environment including global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
Full-text access to law journals, federal statutes, CFR regulations, and legislative and international materials.
Links to inmate locator websites across the country, including federal.
This collection, consisting of 25 individual titles, documents life in the Japanese-American internment camps of World War II.
Access to self-help information on legal issues and referrals to local legal aid providers and pro bono assistance.
Referrals to lawyers and local agencies for a wide range of topics from adoption to workers compensation and immigration.
Legal forms from the California Judicial Council listed by number, name and topic.
Downloadable San Diego Superior Court forms and frequently asked questions.
Get help for your legal questions from hundreds of Nolo books, which include do-it-yourself legal information and forms. Access is provided through a partnership with the San Diego Law Library.
To access this resource, please use the NOLO Legal Information Reference Center link on the San Diego Law Library’s website.
Read and listen to the latest bestsellers on your computer or portable device.
Lea y escuche los títulos más populares en su computadora o dispositivo móvil.
Access more than 3,500 titles across a broad range of interests, including Food Network, HGTV, Good Housekeeping, US Weekly, Popular Mechanics, and more.
Acceda a más de 3.000 títulos de una amplia gama de intereses.
Read and listen to the latest bestsellers on your computer or portable device.
LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain.
Find millions of primary sources about your ancestors who lived in London from 1690-1800.
MedlinePlus brings together authoritative information from NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other government agencies and health-related organizations.
MedlinePlus le brinda información de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud, sobre enfermedades, condiciones y mantenimiento del bienestar, en una manera fácil de entender.
Find information on medical topics, symptoms, drugs, procedures, news, and more.
Features data reports that cover more than 30,000 securities. This is a well-regarded source for tracking both mutual funds and stocks.
Discover, share and preserve your family history. Includes billions of historical documents from over 48 countries, historical photos, public records, indexes, family trees and more.
Full access to the online edition of the New York Times, including breaking news, in-depth articles, op/ed pieces, videos, blogs and more.
Login with your account to get unlimited 24-hour access. If you do not have an account, you will be prompted to create one.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for in Libby, download The Palace Project app to access even more free eBooks and eAudiobooks!
Read or listen to thousands of newspapers and magazines from around the world in more than 60 languages.
If you are accessing PressReader from outside the library:
Lea miles de periódicos y revistas de todo el mundo en más de 60 idiomas.
Si ingresa a PressReader desde fuera de la biblioteca:
Helps students navigate through the research process, supporting information literacy, writing, and research skills, engaging students to think more critically and creatively about their research. (Grades 8+)
Learn to speak, listen, read, and write in a new language with Rosetta Stone’s immersion courses. More than 30 languages are offered, including English as a Second Language (ESL).
Want to learn more about social media or the library's online resources? San Diego County Library Customer Academy is here to help! Learn to use various library databases, social media, email, and more.
The San Diego Law Library helps people learn about and use the law to solve problems, access justice and take advantage of opportunities.
Read the daily paper or access a searchable archive of issues dating back to January 1, 2019.
Free resources to start you on your career journey.
eBook database with over 12,000 titles in multiple subject areas: English Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, Information Literacy, and Technology. (Grades 9+)
General reference database for upper elementary and middle school learners, researchers, and educators covering curriculum areas such as reading, language arts, science, social studies, history, health, and technology.
Provides balanced, curriculum-aligned content on complex issues for middle and high school students. (Grades 6+)
Find book discussion guides, short movies, audiobook readings, and more on children's and young adult books and their authors and illustrators. Great for teachers and homeschool families.
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