Get Involved at the Library
Getting involved at your local library is a fun and rewarding experience.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at San Diego County Library.
Adult Volunteer Opportunities
Service Learning Program

Getting involved at your local library is a fun and rewarding experience.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at San Diego County Library.
Staff will do their best to match your interests and talents with current needs. Volunteers receive an orientation and training. Expect a busy staff and sometimes unspoken, but always heartfelt thanks for your commitment to your community.
For further information and referral about the library's volunteer program, please contact your local branch library.
Volunteer to be a Teen Service Learner at the library and you'll have fun while earning community service hours and getting real work experience!
Service Learners may be between 12 and 17. Contact your local branch to learn the age range for their program.
Teen Service Learners help organize library materials and participate in fun library events.
Hours are flexible and include weekdays and Saturdays.
All County Library locations.
Ask a staff member how you can sign up today!
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