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Staff Picks

One Book, One San Diego 2024: Top 10 for Kids

One Book, One San Diego has released this year's Top 10 titles for kids. Stay tuned for August's announcement of the 2024 pick!

Hispanic Picture Books

Enjoy these picture books to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.

Diversity in Picture Books

In a display of picture books, you see pictures of children from all sorts of cultures and families. This has not always been true.

Read & Play

eBook of the Month | Spring Stinks

eBook with no waitlist or holds! Ruth the bunny is excited to share the smells of spring with Bruce!

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

If you read three books a day to your child, in just one year you'll have read 1,095 books!


Learning games, puzzles and other fun activities for kids age 2-8.

Need a library card?Need a library card?

Babies, toddlers, and preschool-aged children can get a library card too!

New at the Library

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